Friday, May 20, 2011

Friday Thoughts

1. Turns out some conspiracy theorists were recently proven right, and the Japansese government did lie about whether Fukushima experienced an actual meltdown.  I do wish reality wouldn't encourage crazy conspiracy theorists, but such is life I suppose.  (Meanwhile, my personal conspiracy-esque theories about the food industry continue to play out as expected.)

2.  THE INTERNET IS OUT TO GET YOU!  Or, you know, tailor what you see on a daily basis based on best guesses about what you like to see.  Related.

3.  Your carpet is killing you!  And stupidifying your children, maybe.

4.  Concerned about a zombie apocalypse?  Don't fret; the CDC has you covered.

5.  Worried the rapture will actually happen on Saturday? You are not alone. (Side note: It is hard for me to believe those numbers are real.)

6.  Ever wonder how long humans can survive without food and/or water?  Wonder no more!

7.  And finally, something fun for your Friday.  Everything you ever wanted to know about horse masturbation (and more, most likely).

1 comment:

  1. The carpet thing is pretty depressing.

    How do girl horses masturbate?
