Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Upside-down frown?

So I took an impromptu trip to Ithaca for Columbus day weekend, and what a good idea that was. I think the trip was good for my soul, or whatever I should call the place in my brain (heart?) where a black hole of despair has recently appeared. There's something about being around family that's just...comfortable and nice, and I really benefited from being in the bosom of my family for a few days. Not to mention the fact that going there, being there, and driving home efficiently took up the empty, yawning, span of time that I was facing over the three-day weekend. Plus, when I'm home there's no pretense, no need to shower*, free laundry, free food, car advice...I mean, it don't get much better than that.

Except nowadays it kind of DOES, because of this little guy:

My nephew is getting SO CUTE. He's talking up a storm, and he actually seems to be starting to like me (finally!). He was a big part of helping me turn my frown upside-down. Except for the part of the weekend in which he screamed so shrilly, so close to my ear, that I went a little deaf. I'll forgive him for that though, if he keeps smiling that adorable smile.

In book news, I finished both Wool and 14 over the weekend. The Wool Omnibus proved to be pretty good throughout (4 stars on Goodreads), though I (predictably) lost patience during the fighting scenes (that kind of stuff makes me drift off...yawn). I haven't decided if I'll keep reading the "next" book in the series; it is a prequel that I'm not sure I will like as much, but we'll see. 14 turned out to be...perhaps a horror book? It's hard to say. I've never read anything like it before, and while I was *quite* surprised by the ending, that was mostly because it came out of nowhere and didn't really make much sense. People have compared the book to LOST (the TV show), and I think it's an apt comparison in terms of how little sense everything makes and how much is left unexplained. That said, it was a pretty fun deviation from my normal audiobook, though I'd probably not recommend it to anyone, nor would I read anything else by that author.

To continue the dystopian kick I'm on, I'm now re-reading Brave New World.** I read this book for the first time probably 12 years ago, during the summer after my freshman or sophomore year of college. I remember loving it then, and man, my current self thinks my younger self was right on. What a great book. If you haven't read it, you need to, right now.

And now, I must get on to the real world of going to work, which somehow isn't quite as interesting as made-up other worlds I can read about. Does anybody out there have a job that's as exciting as a book?

*No desire to shower, either, ever since my parents got new fancy glassed-in showers that require squeegeeing after every shower, and woe to the one who does not squeegee appropriately...
**Actually, this time I'm listening to it.


  1. Yay for a good weekend. I'm onto Wool 3. Going fast. Quick read. Not super well written, but not poorly written. Your nephew is getting big!

    I'm glad your fam is ok. Part of me was thinking that maybe your funk had to do with something happening to one of them. Glad that's not the case.

    And way to slide the 'Don't get much better than that' in there...

  2. Yeah, I wouldn't say the Wool Omnibus is the best book ever written, but I sure did enjoy reading it.

    1. So. Funny story. Was driving to the mountains with some Dmouth friends yesterday and one of them, out of the blue, asked me whether I'd read Wool, and I said I had. This friend then asked me who had recommended it to me, and I refused to answer. Which he found bothersome and peculiar. He asked me if he knew the person who'd recommended it to me, and I replied that I didn't know.

      Anyway. This went on for some time, and my friend was just baffled that I wouldn't tell him where I'd heard of it and couldn't conceive of any reasons why I wouldn't want to. We're past it now, but it definitely strained the friendship for a few minutes in there.

      I found the whole thing rather amusing.

    2. Ug. And now when I ask him something simple like 'are you texting your wife?' I get a snarky reply like, 'oh, we're sharing things about our lives with one another?'

      In jest, but still. But I know I'm not planning to come clean about being your anonymous blogfan, so I guess this is what I'm going to have to put up with. Sigh.

      I could lie about who I heard about Wool from, but I don't feel right doing that.

    3. Terribly sorry to be the cause of so much friction.

    4. Thanks for your sympathies. I forgive you.

    5. Left a voicemail a few days ago about this whole incident with another of your blogfriends whom I'll see a little later today (yay wedding!). She found the whole exchange rather humorous and texted me back saying 'that's why she loves me' or something of the sort. Very sweet.

  3. Huh. My Kindle was working fine this morning and then... it wasn't. Screen issues.

    So I just called them. 5 weeks or so left on my 1-year warranty, and they're shipping me a new one.

    So that's good news.

  4. Read Brave New World in high school. 9th or 10th grade. Could see it being worth another look...

  5. Kindle broke two nights ago. Was just plugged in and charging and froze and that's that.

    They won't replace this one. I'm pretty annoyed at the whole thing. Likely done as a Kindle owner.


    I can't see spending money on another when they literally stop working for no reason.

    1. I dropped my Kindle on a stone floor and it stopped working too. So I got a PaperWhite. I highly recommend it. No more need for nightlights!

    2. No. The PaperWhite isn't good for me. I have the keyboard with free 3G version for the free internet. I don't pay for internet at home, so if I just need to check my email on the weekend - Kindle. If I'm traveling (which I do often enough) I always have simple internet/email too (I don't pay for a smartphone either).

      So, even though I'm reluctant, I may get another one even though I'm pretty annoyed right now - it literally just froze while it was plugged in charging and I had done absolutely nothing - absolutely nothing - to injure it. It's just so practical for me to have the free 3G - no monthly data plans, etc, expect for the occasional cost of an entirely new Kindle, it seems...

      Land in London - just whip it out and I'm emailing - no need to go find a SIM card or anything.


    3. My PaperWhite has 3G...does it not have access to the internet or something?

      I'm batting .200 on giving blood. They never seem to want to take out all my iron.

  6. I think you only have 3G for buying Kindle books and such. Not unfettered internet 3G. That's only the keyboard.

    I'm going to have to replace it. Those goons. There's nothing like it around, and it very much suits my lifestyle.

    Internet with no monthly fees. Basic, granted. But that's often all I need.

    I think I need to replace it today. I'm off to Canada for the summer maybe next week and they're not selling the keyboard version in Canada right now.

    I hope this new one doesn't break again. I can't believe they got me. I wish I could just say no. But it really is a part of my life.

    1. I kind of miss my keyboard was exactly the size I wanted in an e-reading device. (I never used its 3g internet, though, just used it to download books on the fly.) But the PaperWhite has a LIGHT! In it! Which is SO good for me for traveling because I do not like bright light when I'm reading in bed, and no hotel nor guest bedroom I've ever stayed in has had a beside lamp dim enough for me. Lowest setting on the PaperWhite=bliss.

    2. P.S. Speaking of reading on the Kindle, I'm in the middle of Shift (Wool prequel). Liking it so far!

  7. Well. They have discontinued the Keyboard with free 3G, so I ordered a used one in 'like new' condition from one of the other sellers. There are only a few out there. Hopefully that works out. I really don't want to live without it.

    1. I got the new one. I'm sad the other one broke, but I don't regret spending the $ to replace it now. It's good to have for my otherwise internet-free-when-not-at-the-office lifestyle.

    2. So I got home today and on a whim plugged in the Kindle that froze over a year ago and, amazingly, shockingly, it's now working. So I'm back to 2 Kindle Keyboards. I guess it just needed to take a rest.

      I was thinking that tonight was going to be the first night in 2014 that I'd be spending in my house (how crazy-stupid is that?), but I'm at my parents' house now and it's raining so I'm not going to walk home like I'd originally been planning. And there's a big bag of clothes here I need to get home so maybe one will drop me off instead of me spending the night on their couch. Will be novel to spend a night in my own bed for a change. My house needs a lot of TLC right now.

    3. Huzzah for the kindle revival! Maybe you'll be able to milk that free 3G for a while longer yet...

    4. Yeah. Still holding onto my free 3G. But I also took steps the other day during the middle-of-the-night Seattle layover to maybe slightly upgrade home internet. I signed up for FreedomPop, so I paid $56 for a modem with shipping, and with that I'll get 500MB free per month. So I won't be streaming netflix or downloading music at home, but theoretically I'll be upgrading the quality of my home internet use (ie I can use my laptop and not the clunky Kindle browser) but will also get away with never having monthly internet charges. And I can offer visiting friends some level of internet access.
