Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Lunar eclipse (of the heart)

There was a total lunar eclipse? I missed it, I was packing so hard.

So much stuff, so little time before I move!


  1. Of the heart? What would that even mean?

  2. Just a terrible play on "total eclipse of the heart." I'm tired. Sad about moving. Not very funny!

  3. Sad about moving? Remember when you were sad about being in LA and moving the last time? I remember it like yesterday. And now you have a PhD! Time sure does fly in blog world (especially when you take a few years off).

  4. 1) I didn't think it was a terrible play on the song - I thought it was hilarious - but then again, I love TEOTH.
    2) I watched it online - it was awesome, too bad you missed out on it. (take salt, insert in open wound, rub)
    3) I'm glad you're sad about moving - that means there was at least a little bit great about being here in LA! I am sad about you moving, which means that there was at least a little bit great about knowing you here!
