Friday, June 3, 2011

Friday! Links and random thoughts

1. Oh hai, Germany. I'm in ur food killin ur peeple.  E. ColiLOL. (Oh god, and I just ate raw cucumbers, raw tomatoes, and raw lettuces yesterday. I hope they weren't secretly imported from Europe!)

2.  For the record, this all-natural deodorant from Tom's of Maine DOES NOT WORK.  I really gave it a go, but I'm back to the poisonous kind for's just so blissfully effective.

3. Why help the environment? Polluting is so cheap!


And finally, the piece de resistance:

5. Everything you ever wanted to know about accidentally setting someone covered in gas on fire. Short of the story: you can't do it. Long of the story: Some scientists did an experiment proving it. From the abstract:
Thirty nine (39) ignition attempts that involved exposing lit commercial cigarettes, hand-rolled cigarettes and cannabis resin joints to petrol vapour were undertaken; ignition was not achieved in any of the scenarios. In addition, a single attempt to ignite petrol vapour emanating from a pool of liquid fuel was effected with a smouldering piece of cannabis resin; no ignition occurred.
And there's a visual aid!

Happy Friday.


  1. But what about Zoolander?

  2. Watching the Lyme Disease documentary Under Our Skin on Netflix right now. Pretty terrifying, and deserves a place on the blog. You should watch it.
