Thursday, August 28, 2014

Family vacation is not quite relaxing but it is nice

Hello from Lake George, where I'm getting a taste of waking up at the crack of dawn with two little kids. My goodness, it is least they are cute. And as a bonus, I've been able to see some purrty sunrises!

PS Blogging from my phone sucks 


  1. Ah, the only time I was ever at Lake George was a trip with my grandparents when I was maybe 5 or 6. There are pictures of me with longish little kid hair next to cannons and historical reenactment soldiers at the fort (I'm thinking British soldiers - redcoats?).

    We also went to the glass factory in Corning and the baseball hall of fame and the Hershey chocolate factory on that trip. I wish my grandfather (both of them, actually) had lived longer than he did. But I still have Grandpa Lou.
