Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Sadly not an April Fool's Day joke

Bags of Mountain Air Offered in Smog-Addled Chinese City
20 bright blue bags of air were shipped to Zhengzhou, capital of central China’s Henan province, as a special treat for residents. The air originated from Laojun Mountain, some 120 miles away from the city, and was brought as part of a promotional gimmick to show oxygen-deprived city residents what they’re missing.

China’s environmental ministry announced last week that Zhengzhou was among the country’s top 10 most-polluted cities. Its AQI on Monday was an unhealthy 158. By contrast, the Monday AQI forecast for Bakersfield, CA, the most polluted city in the U.S., was 45.

This is kind of getting to dystopian levels of crazy, don't you think? Add this to the report on climate change just released by the UN, and it's hard to escape the conclusion that we're all gonna die. Maybe sooner rather than later!

P.S. Hi, Anonymous!


  1. This is 1) genius and 2) totally ridiculous and 3) obviously sad and necessary.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. So back in the day I was in high school and had picked a friend up at the airport and taken him to breakfast downtown with some other friends and right next to where we were having breakfast an Oxygen Bar was opening that day and we wandered in and I actually ended up on the news sampling the new Oxygen Bar.

    And I'm *not* the type of person (I'm not sure what type of person it is, but no matter what it isn't me) to frequent an Oxygen Bar... I bet my parents still have the videotape of the news story somewhere.

    And speaking of UN reports of climate change, my partner and I are drilling our exploratory oil well this weekend. The rig is supposed to move onto location tomorrow but there's also supposed to be 2-4 inches of rain and severe flooding, so we'll see how that goes... the lease is going to be a muddy muddy mess.

    Wish us luck! (or don't, if you dislike climate change)

  4. Hi Jessicool. Miss you. Hope you're well.

    And this.
