Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Welcome to spinsterhood

You know what I learned yesterday? That I have an old lady name. Look at this graph of the number of babies named "Jessica" over the years:

This means that when I'm old, all the Jessicas in the country are also going to be old. Jessica is the new Gertrude! Egad!

I'd better start working on my "kids these days..." complaints.


  1. That's a crazy graph.

    Why are you searching for baby names, eh?

    I doubt you'll have any problem with 'kids these days' complaints.

    1. Ha. I'm not looking up baby names; my friend sent me a link to this in response to my book post. His words: You want graphs? I got your graphs right here.

  2. Replies
    1. Ugh. Cats. They are the worst.

    2. You can't be a good spinster without cats. That's, like, a rule or something.

  3. oh my gosh i'm glad you're blogging regularly again. i missed this one until now, but it definitely clarifies yours and jessies comments re: cats on FB.

  4. also, my name is ALSO old:

    and now that I see how unpopular our names are, I'm thinking baby #2 has a high chance of being named Jessica Tiffani - it doesn't really have a ring to it, but there will apparently be very few girls in her class with that name.

    On the other hand, we inadvertantly named our daughter, Penelope, with a popular name (all because of stupid mythology - darn you wise and clever Penelope of myth!): She is going to be best friends with a Nelly and a Polly.
