Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Pack your things - We're moving to Qatar!

Well, hello blogworld. 117 days since we've seen each other! What's up?  Not much new with me except oh, I went to Ireland, I conferenced in New Orleans, my nephew turned 1, my best friend from high school got married, I finished my dissertation--so please call me Dr. Jessicool from now on (aside: my advisor is short), I've been trying to eat no grains and no sugar with moderate success...shall I go on?

I shall not. I shall simply say that, based on feedback from former blog fans at the wedding I was just at ("What happened to your blog?"; "Your blog reads like it should be the rantings of a crazy person, but....[long pause]'s kind of not"), I'm going to start blogging again. I thought I'd get back into the swing of things by posting this graph I found months and months ago and never got around to doing anything with.

Thus I present to you: Pack your things - We're moving to Qatar! Where misery is low, and unemployment is lower.

Bonus: They've got soccer and tennisOn top of water!

But...oh, Hamas and no booze.

Backup plan: Switzerland!

1 comment:

  1. Yay for finishing your dissertation!

    I just got back from London!

    And I was in New Orleans in March.

    And it's great to have you back!!!
