Monday, August 19, 2013

You live and learn. At any rate, you live.

Man, blogging every day got real old, real fast. I guess I failed at my personal challenge of blogging every day for 30 days, but at least I learned a valuable lesson: blogging every day for 30 days isn't fun at all. It's kind of a stupid thing to try to do. (For me, anyway.)

But fear not, I'll give you some food for thought for today: The entire concept of tipping sucks.
Tipping is a repugnant custom. It’s bad for consumers and terrible for workers. It perpetuates racism. Tipping isn't even good for restaurants, because the legal morass surrounding gratuities results in scores of expensive lawsuits.
Plus, it's just plain annoying. I rather resent having to tip people as a standard matter of course. Why can't we just pay servers a living wage and eliminate this socially awkward custom once and for all? I am willing to absorb the cost in another way, and I bet at least some other people are too. Besides, getting rid of tipping might even make restaurant service--and food--better.

On a completely unrelated note, this made me laugh.

1 comment:

  1. I agree. A living wage is a way better way to treat people.
