Monday, August 12, 2013

Sinkholes: Your new #1 fear

Well, I made it five days before I fell off the posting wagon. But even the Judeo-Christian God had a rest on Sunday.

(Yes, I guess I did just equate myself with the Judeo-Christian God. I'll let it stand.)

Speaking of acts of God, have you heard about the sinkholes in Florida? No? Well, they are terrifying. Especially if they open up underneath the resort villa you are staying in:

And they're even more terrifying if you're living in a house with your brother and a sinkhole opens beneath it in the middle of the night, and you hear your brother screaming for help but you can't help him in time and he gets sucked into the ground.

Florida is hereby crossed off the list of places I might potentially live. Not that it was really on the list (humidity, gators, hurricanes, swamps), but now it's definitely off.


  1. Eh. I'm a geologist. I think about karsting fairly regularly. It's not my #1 fear. I think i recently saw something about a sinkhole somewhere else in the world. Forget where.

  2. Didn't the Judeo god rest on Saturday? Even if it is the same god? How does that work? Why Sat vs Sun?

  3. 1) the Judeo God rested on "the seventh day" - which most people believe is the equivalent of Sunday, And as such. Anonymous is right. But Christians would says its the same God, thus technically its appropriate to say the "Judeo-Christian God" - I think. Sun vs. Sat has more to do with two things: a) conscripting Pagan days for Christian worship and b) the timing of the believed resurrection of Jesus following after the sabbath (thus on Sunday)
    2) Curby has always hated Florida. When I read him the story of the sinkhole under the hotel (from MSNBC, before i saw this post), his response "Luckily we were never going there anyway."
    3) the story of the brothers is simultaneously so sad and terrifying.
    4) I'm more worried about tornadoes, but that is because they threaten you just by their existence. I think that I'd rather die in a surprise attack by a earthquake (or maybe sinkhole? maybe not - trapped in a sinkhole sounds horrible).
