Thursday, August 29, 2013


I'm sure you've heard by now, but Yosemite/its environs is on fire.

Seriously, guys. It's on fire.


  1. I've never been to Yosemite, which surprises many people who know me.

  2. I don't know you, but that does seem to be a place you'd have been. Get on that.

    I went to Yosemite in 2007 with my parents. They were actually burning the place on purpose while we were there.

  3. Back in the day your pictures were mostly public. Those were the good 'ol days.

    Can't blame your for the privacy paranoia, though.

  4. Yep, they were mostly public if you had the link to my Picasa page. And then I joined Google+ and to my horror, all my pictures became instantly linked with my name, and I had to go through hundreds of albums, one by one, making them private, so I couldn't be stalked as easily.

    Funny, though; I recently learned from a new acquaintance that when you google me, a trove of pictures from my time in Los Angeles, posted by my then-boyfriend, appears. I was horrified & have taken steps to get ones I consider inappropriate taken down. Sigh. Privacy just ain't what it used to be.

  5. You provided the link to the Picasa page yourself on previous blogs. Not my fault I had that. Links to trip pictures and whathaveyou. The adorable Shaina of yore.

    Privacy just ain't what it used to be for serious. It's terrifying. And we're not even getting into the NSA stuff. Yikes. And I'm not even on FB or anything like that. Which means that I've probably missed out on many fun pictures and maybe other stuff through the years, but I'm not too bothered by it. No smartphone either. But all these companies trying to make money by what they know about people. I'm quite happy trying my best to maintain anonymity. But maybe we'll have dinner someday yet, or something. I've been a blogfan for a long time.

    'can't blame you for the' would have made more sense, sorry about the extra 'r'.

    Today has been a terrible day of computer issues and other work-related annoyances. Was supposed to go to Louisiana next week but what I thought was a new client canceled on me. He felt bad about it, though. Could lead to things in the future. The plan had only been around since originally Monday but mostly yesterday, but I had been mildly excited, except about the humidity. And the mosquitoes. And the heat. And the potential for hurricanes. And the rednecks. But the food would have been good.

  6. Yikes. I'm an idiot. I just wasted ridiculous amounts of time.

    1. Blaming this one on low blood sugar from not eating lunch.

  7. Turns out I'm going to Louisiana after all. Sitting in the Dallas airport for my connection. Humidity will be unbearable.

  8. Man. Crazy rains and flooding back home. I wonder if my house is ok. My parents' basement is flooded so mom won't get a chance to check mine until tomorrow, maybe.

    Heard some crazy stories from friends, including an '02 who lives up in the hills...


    And we're having issues of our own down here in Louisiana. Not sure I'll ever leave at this rate. But I've had plenty of down time...
