Wednesday, October 1, 2014

A Someecards card AND a gift certificate??

Anonymous! Thank you so much for your generous gift! I have already used it; it contributed to the purchase of a SAD light that provides "natural relief for individuals suffering from the seasonal disorder known as the winter blues." If it works, you can take 27% of the credit for my not being as depressed as usual over the next few months.

I'm really hoping it works, because...blah.

Anyway, thanks again! XOXO


  1. Yeah. I'm sitting up at work and on the desk here there's a 'happy light' for the months of the year the sun doesn't rise. Made by 'verilux'. It's on. I'm sure it might help some. But yeah, I don't think I'm sticking with this gig...

    Happy birthday! My cousin in Norway with whom you share a birthday suffers from the same affliction. And it gets dark up there...

    1. So how's the light working out? How's all the snow?

  2. The URL on this appears naughty. Not sure whether or not it's intentional. Link is not naughty.

  3. Ha! I posted that on my Facebook yesterday!

  4. Miss you. Hope you're well.

  5. Well. At least we'll want a year-end reading summary.

  6. Most of the way through a very 'We're all gonna die' book, Seveneves, which I'm enjoying. Also recently audiobooked another one, Station 11, which I thought was meh.

  7. Happy birthday, Jessicool! Hope it's a good year.

    1. Thanks, Anon! I'm apparently too old for blogging now, but it's nice to hear from you! Hope you are well.

    2. Apparent to whom? Oh well. I suppose it happens. I'm sad to lose you. Who knows what the future brings. Take good care of yourself.

  8. Wow. Very lucid night of Jessicool dreams. After quite the hiatus. The brain's a funny thing. Hi.

  9. A young cousin from upstate NY was just admitted to your institution via early admission. Perhaps I'll visit in the coming years. We can do lunch.
